2,750 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Bentuk Saluran Pendingin Terhadap Cacat Warpage dari Produk Injeksi Plastik Berbahan Polypropylene

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    Injection molding is a plastic forming process by way of melting the plastic material is injected into a mold (mold). Defects that often occur in injection molding products include a short shot (defective products less full), Sink mark (point defects such as concave on the product) flash (excess material defect at the edge of the product) and warpage (arch defects in the product). The causes of warpage is affected by the injection pressure, mold temperature, melting and holding time in the injection process (Huang and Tai, 2001). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the defective form of cooling channels warpage of the results of injection molding products and to determine the exact shape of the cooling channels to obtain the optimal product of injection molding. The initial step of making the mold (mold) with a CNC milling machine and manufacturing of coolers with soft tooling system type of conformal cooling channels and cooling type straight line. Sooftoling system is made by mixing powdered aluminum and epoxy glue in the ratio 2: 1 channel conformal printed therein. The data collection method extents used image processing with image capture using the camera 14 pixel and processed using software solidwork so it can be analyzed statistically and for measuring cup (point arch top) used a dial indicator, after we got the result, niali warpage can be determined by (cup : diameter = warpage) can then be drawn to a conclusion. From the results of the study concluded that in this study the general area of greatest warpage occurs in the form of a straight cooling channel with an average of 5724,71mm and warpage smallest area to form conformal cooling channel with an average of 4427,49mm. As for the value that most large warpage occurs in the form of the conformal cooling channels, namely with an average of 0.0452 and the smallest value of warpage occurs in the form of straight cooling channel that is with an average of 0.0375. Keywords: injection molding, solidwork, dial indicator, coolant channels form, warpag

    Membangun Infrastruktur Sosial dalam Pengembangan E-learning

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    Membangun infrastruktur sosial adalah membangun hubungan antara manusia dan struktur, yaitu memandang sistem sosial secara utuh dalam pengembangan e-learning. Pengembangan ini dapat dilakukan menggunakan teori institusional yang memberi fokus pada pencapaian legitimasi di mata pemangku kepentingan sosial dan menekankan pentingnya lingkungan kelembagaan sebagai sikap dan perilaku dari para pelaku sosial

    Determinants of E-learning Usage by Teachers of Vocational Schools in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to find the determinants of e-learning usage by teachers of vocational school in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). This goal is achieved by describing the essence of influence of social environment and facilitating conditions toward the technology acceptance model (TAM) of e-learning. The essence of influence between variables is indicated by direct and indirect effect of social environment and facilitating conditions variables toward TAM variables of e-learning. This study is a correlational research study with ex-post facto approach, implemented in vocational schools in DIY. The population was teachers in public and private vocational schools in DIY who have e-learning training as many as 200 teachers. Sample size of 132 teachers is determined by the Krejcie & Morgan formula. The sample size of each district was distributed by proportional random sampling technique. The primary data source in this study was self-report of teachers, collected using a questionnaire with four alternative answers. Open interviews were conducted to support the primary data. The validity of measurements was carried out in two stages. Content validity was conducted by expert judgment and construct validity calculated by Pearson correlation. Reliability of the instrument was determined by the minimum value of Cronbach's Alpha of 0.70. Data analysis was performed using path analysis at a significance level of 0.05. The study concluded that social environment has a significant influence on usefulness and intention. The social environment and usefulness simultaneously and significantly effected the intention, but usefulness gives a more dominant effect. Facilitating conditions significantly influences ease of use and e-learning usage. Meanwhile, ease of use significantly influences the intention to use and usefulness. The facilitating conditions and intention simultaneously and significantly effected the e-learning usage, but the intention gives a more dominant effect. This relationship indicates that the effect of the social environment on e-learning usage is mediated by the usefulness and intention. Effect of facilitating conditions to e-learning usage is mediated by the ease of use, usefulness, and intention. These two paradigms of relationships confirm that the effect of social environment and facilitating conditions to e-learning usage are mediated by three main variables of TAM, namely usefulness, ease of use, and intention. Keywords:E-learning, technology acceptance model, social environment, facilitating condition

    Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Perubahan Bentuk Benda Melalui Penggunaan Alat Peraga Pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 1 Sukowetan Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    During this time, there are still many teachers who likens the learning process with students as blank paper and still found a teacher who suppress learning through rote formulas and specific strategies to solve specific problems so that the knowledge gained survive only in short-term memory of the child. Learning through the use of props at SDN 1 Sukowetan encourage students to make observations on an object independently, to train students to learn to find new ideas and their relationships with the concepts that have been known, and can increase the concentration of learning and student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the observation of students in learning activities changes in the shapes of objects through the use of props that have increased as well as the completeness achieved from 60% in the first cycle increased to 90% in the second cycle


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    Written language is supposed to make it possible for the reader to know what the writer wants to communicate to him. That is to say, its function is to inform him of what the writer intends to communicate to him. When reading the script of Anu, a certain play written by Putu Wijaya, however, the reader would normally find it somehow impossible to get a complete message, however capable he might be. Bits of information concerning the content, through no linguistic fault of the writer's, would somehow keep escaping the reader. This reveals that various elements in the writing enable it at same time to inform and not to infor

    The Effect of Concentration Ratio of Gelatine and Polyvinylpyrrolidone as Binders on the Physical Properties of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Extract Lozenges

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    Lozenges require the tablet hardness of 7-14 Kgf to be a suitable binder. Gelatine can be used to meet the requirement as it creates granules with bad flow time. PVP produces granules with better flow time but it takes a large quantity to reach the lozenges hardness desired. This study aimed to determine the effect of the concentration ratio of gelatine and PVP as binders on the physical properties of red-ginger extract lozenges. Lozenges made employing the wet granulation method following the ratio of gelatine and PVP of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5. The hardness test results of the formula 1 to 5 are 9, 14, 16, 13 and 12 Kgf respectively and the friability test results were 0,4%, 0,7%, 0,2%, 0,3% and 0,6% accordingly. The combination of gelatine and PVP as binders provide a significant difference in the hardness and friability of the tablets

    Pelatihan Manajemen Cedera Olahraga Dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Penanganan Cedera Untuk Pelatih Olahraga dan Masseur Cabang Olahraga Senam

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    Pelaksanaan program latihan yang dilakukan secara terus-menerus dengan jadwal pertandingan yang padat berpotensi menimbulkan cedera pada atlet. Cedera yang dialami atlet harus segera diketahui dan dipahami oleh seluruh tim pendukung yang mendukung program latihan, termasuk oleh pelatih dan asisten masseur di bidang olahraga. Kurangnya sosialisasi tentang tahapan penanganan jika terjadi cedera pada seorang atlet. Tujuan dari pelatihan yang dilakukan kepada tim pelatih dan masseur pendamping olahraga adalah pemahaman mengenai tahapan penanganan dan latihan dalam melakukan manajemen nyeri pada atlet cedera. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memberikan bantuan kepada tim pelatih dan masseur kemudian diberikan kuisioner mengenai hasil pelatihan yang dilakukan. kuesioner diberikan kepada pelatih untuk pelatih dan masseur dalam menyikapi program latihan, serta diberikan kepada atlet terkait pelayanan yang diberikan setelah pelatih dan masseur mendapat pelatihan. program pelatihan menghasilkan pemahaman yang maksimal. Respon pelatih terhadap program pelatihan 80% sangat baik, respon masseur 85% tepat sasaran tim masseur. Respon atlet terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan, keterampilan masseur meningkat dalam menganalisis dan menangani serta menangani cedera yang dialami atlet. kesimpulannya terdapat peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan manajemen cedera pada pelatih dan tim masseu

    Ketahanan Bibit Kayu Putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) pada Berbagai Media Tercemar Air Asam Tambang

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    Cajeput (Melaleuca cajuputi) is widely used as a post-mining revegetation plant. The addition of organic matter to post-mining land can improve the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the soil that lead on to increasing growth and endurance of cajeput in polluted land by acid mine drainage. This study aims to analyze the effect of compost mixture media and roasted husk mixture media to endurance and growth of cajeput seedling and also to analyze the effect of acid mine drainage concentration on the endurances of cajeput seedling on various media. This study used a completely randomized design with two factors consisting of acid mine drainage concentration and type of media. The results of this study indicate that the concentration of acid mine drainage has no significant effect on the growth of height, diameter, and number of leaves, also on total wet weight, total dry weight, moisture content, and root length while the type of media used has a significant effect on growth in height, diameter, and the number of leaves. Keywords: acid mine drainage, compost, Melaleuca cajuputi, roasted huskKayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) telah digunakan sebagai tanaman revegetasi lahan pasca tambang. Pemberian bahan organik pada lahan pasca tambang dapat memperbaiki kondisi fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Kondisi tanah yang baik akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan ketahanan kayu putih pada kondisi tercemar air asam tambang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh campuran tanah dan kompos serta campuran tanah dan arang sekam terhadap ketahanan dan pertumbuhan bibit kayu putih yang tercemar air asam tambang serta menganalisis pengaruh tingkat konsentrasi cemaran air asam tambang terhadap ketahanan bibit kayu putih pada berbagai media tanam. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan dua faktor yang terdiri dari konsentrasi air asam tambang dan jenis media tanam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antar faktor dan faktor tunggal konsentrasi air asam tambang terhadap persentase hidup, pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter, dan pertambahan jumlah daun, berat basah total, berat kering total, kadar air, dan panjang akar sedangkan media tanam yang digunakan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup, pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter, dan pertambahan jumlah daun. Kata kunci : air asam tambang, arang sekam, Melaleuca cajuputi, pupuk kompos &nbsp


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    Operasi penanggulangan bencana dilakukan oleh beberapa unsur, salah satunya TNI. Tidak kuatnya dasar hukum terhadap peran dan kemampuan TNI dalam kegiatan operasi penanggulangan bencana menyebabkan pelaksanaan tugas operasi tidak maksimal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Bagaimana peran dan kemampuan TNI dalam operasi penanggulangan bencana guna memperkuat pertahanan negara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian adalah TNI berperan dalam masa pra bencana: TNI melaksanakan kegiatan mitigasi, sosialisasi kebencanaan, melaksanakan kegiatan pencegahan dini (preventif) dan pengorganisasian kebencanaan. Dalam membangun kesiapsiagaan bencana alam, TNI juga melaksanakan latihan terkait penanggulangan bencana alam. Pada masa tanggap bencana, TNI merupakan eksekutor utama dalam penanganan akibat bencana, pertolongan dan pencarian, evakuasi dan menyelenggarakan manajemen pengungsian bekerjasama dengan BNPB dan unsur lainnya. Peran TNI dalam masa pasca bencana yaitu membantu dalam rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi terhadap wilayah terdampak. Kemampuan TNI dalam melakukan tugas penanggulangan bencana alam belum optimal pada aspek kemampuan personel, kemampuan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana serta kemampuan anggaran. Strategi yang dirumuskan adalah optimalisasi “Peran dan Peningkatan Kemampuan TNI Dalam Operasi Penanggulangan Bencana Guna Memperkuat Pertahanan Negara”. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa pelibatan TNI dalam operasi penanggulangan bencana merupakan tugas perbantuan dalam rangka OMSP, yang meliputi juga tentang pengerahan personel dan logistik (alutsista) yang dilakukan dengan sistem komando. Saran penelitan adalah perlu dirumuskan kembali regulasi dan peranti lunak terkait mekanisme penanggulangan bencana serta tumpang tindihnya regulasi maupun kebijakan dalam penanganan kebencanaan yang melibatkan TNI dan instansi terkait. Perlu pemenuhan sarana prasarana yang multipurpose dan kompatibel dalam mekanisme penanggulangan bencan